NIA and Northern Nuclear Alliance (NNA) members are welcome to join us for the second of 2023 Decommissioning & Existing Generation Business Group Meeting in May.
The Business Group Meeting will be held at Capenhurst, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 6ER, UK on Thursday 25 May, and hosted by our friends at Urenco.
The event will focus on Sustainability and involve an exciting agenda of presentations and panel discussions. You may see a draft agenda below – please note this may be subject to changes but it will give you a better idea of what to expect on the day!
Please note that registrations for this event are now closed. This is due to the nature of the hosts facility and we need to send a complete an accurate delegate list one week prior to the event. Thank you for understanding!
If you are travelling down the night before we may organize an informal dinner, so please let us know your travel arrangements.
Nuclear Institute’s North West Branch Dinner
We will be hosting several pay-your-own-way tables, for which you can purchase individual tickets. There are still some places available, so please get in touch with the Nuclear Institute via [email protected] to book your place at dinner, and let them know if you would like to sit on an NIA table.
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