Make the most of your membership

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All member company employees are able to get involved with the NIA and its membership. On this page you can find out how to make the most of your organisation’s membership, from attending Business Group meetings and accessing the Member Directory, to being the first to hear industry news and key events.

Join a Business Group meeting

Whatever your business or involvement in the nuclear industry, there will be a group to help you grow your business. To find out more about the various groups explore the members hub, see past agendas and presentations or email [email protected] to join a group.

Host a Business Group meeting

Our objective is to keep Business Groups free for members and as cost-neutral for the NIA to ensure this remains the case. If you have conference facilities that are capable of holding a meeting or would like to support financially please let [email protected] know. Hosting a meeting gives you the opportunity to show off your business directly, and helps benefit the wider membership.

Update your details on the Member Directory

The Trade Directory is a unique membership feature which gives you access to the contact details for key decision makers across the industry. Make sure your details are the most up to date so that you don’t miss out on opportunities. Visit the Member Directory and contact [email protected] to change any of your company’s details.

Sign up to receive the NIA’s newsletters

The NIA’s newsletters are the main way to keep on top of developments and news across the industry. Detailing key issues, events and people changes, it provides a comprehensive round-up of the UK nuclear sector. Fill out the sign up form and opt in to receive updates and communications on the areas that you select.

Submit an article for Industry Link

The NIA’s member magazine, Industry Link is circulated to over 5,000 people, across Parliament and Whitehall, to member companies in hard copy format as well as being published on the web. This is the perfect place to get your stories in front of industry decision makers. Contact the Editor [email protected] for more information.

The Hub section gives you the opportunity to promote your latest developments to the industry and beyond. Add [email protected] to your press distribution list.

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NIA Business Groups offer a valuable way to network with clients, partners and suppliers across the industry. Being able to catch so many people in the same place at the same time is something we really appreciate.

Nicky Vyce, Vulcain Engineering Group

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