Meet the people

With nuclear energy we tend to focus on the facts and figures, but just as important are the faces behind the data. The people who operate, study, support, innovate and invent are the true champions of industry.

Ephraim Barabu - Pipe Welder Apprentice, Doosan Babcock
Ephraim took up his apprenticeship after completing a course at Derby College. Doosan Babcock has been a major supplier of plant, equipment and specialist services to the nuclear industry for over 50 years.
“I am an apprentice at Doosan Babcock, training to be a coded pipe welder; where I’m taught welding processes such as TIG and MMA. These contain units where required to welding in certain positions. To me nuclear is a very reliable power source – it can be generated at any time during the day, providing energy non-stop. In addition, it provides many jobs and learning opportunities across the UK.”

Saralyn Thomas - Senior Consultant, Abbott Risk Consulting & YGN Vice-Chair
Saralyn is a senior consultant working in nuclear safety case development at Abbott Risk Consulting and Vice-Chair for the Nuclear Institute’s Young Generation Network.
“I joined the industry after studying Physics at University and undertaking a Masters in Nuclear Science and Technology. For me, if we want to fight climate change to ensure a clean, low-carbon and happy future for ourselves and future generations, we need to work together and use everything we have to get there as fast as possible – and nuclear is key to that!”

Niall Hearty - U-Battery Graduate
Niall is a mechanical engineering graduate having completed his dissertation on the ‘reactor physics modelling of a novel nuclear battery.’ Niall is currently pursuing chartership with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
“I’m a recent Nuclear Engineering graduate from the University of Manchester. I’m on the nuclear graduates scheme and am currently seconded to U-Battery, which so far has been fantastic. I’m loving the opportunity to work alongside experts in the field of modular reactors and develop myself as I aim towards chartership.
“I pursued my interest in nuclear power at university by focusing on nuclear modules, and really enjoyed my experience. I believe that if we wish to reach net zero by 2050, we need nuclear power. Without nuclear, we cannot produce enough low carbon power in the time we have left.”

Amy Needham – Programme and Project Partners (PPP) Resourcing Intern
Amy joined the Programme and Project Partners (PPP) internship scheme in February 2021 after leaving school a year earlier and struggling to find the right career opportunity locally. In April she started the resourcing internship with KBR as part of the PPP model which is changing the way major projects are delivered at Sellafield and creating a lasting legacy through long-term partnerships. Amy is one of six interns who joined the partnership in April as part of PPP’s first ever intern cohort and is already making the most of opportunities on PPP.
“After finding the PPP internship opportunities advertised through the Job Centre, my work coach informed me that they were really good opportunities – so I applied. After being accepted onto the scheme and completing a four-week virtual skills academy to prepare me for the workplace, I was interviewed and successfully appointed to the role.
“My aim is to make sure I get everything I can out of this experience.”
Now, seven months into her internship, Amy is part of the resourcing and talent team on PPP and already supporting the partners to recruit the talent they need to complete their transformation of Sellafield Ltd and create a clean and safe environment for future generations.

Robert Grant - Nuclear Engineering Degree Apprentice, Westinghouse Springfields
Robert is an Engineering Apprentice at Springfields Fuels Ltd in Lancashire, currently working towards completion of a 5 year Nuclear Engineering Degree Apprenticeship.
“Throughout the apprenticeship I have been involved in various engineering roles across the business, which have provided engaging learning platforms whilst contributing to a greener future in the UK.
“Living in the North West Nuclear Arc, the opportunities Nuclear offers both from an individual and environmental standpoint are visible from a very young age. The industry provides a clear path for reducing the UK’s carbon footprint, further supporting the UK’s Net Zero by 2050 target. I am proud to contribute to the nuclear industry, and eager to further develop my knowledge base in the future.”

Rebecca Digby - Pipe Welder Apprentice, Doosan Babcock
“Working as a pipe welder allows me to gain the knowledge and training to weld different materials in many different positions. This prepares me before going onto site where I’ll get to weld the pipework for power stations and help work on the biggest nuclear power station in the UK; which means a lot to me. As part of the younger generation, nuclear is the best source for clean energy and because nuclear is extremely reliable it helps provide job stability.”