Welcome to the second equity, diversity and inclusion survey by the Nuclear Institute, exactly four years after the first one in 2020.

Follow this link to the survey page

Why are we doing this survey and why now?

We are repeating this survey as a step towards the long-term monitoring of both our members and the wider nuclear industry to give us a better understanding of how representative the NI is of the industry it serves and of wider society. It will also give us a benchmark from which to measure our progress as an equitable, diverse and inclusive membership body.

We are also doing this as part of the other diversity initiatives we have signed up to through the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Science Council and through Engineering UK for our outreach work. The first two bodies are benchmarking across the entire engineering and scientific sectors by drawing on the data collected by their members and allied organisations.

The Nuclear Institute is committed to ensuring that it is accessible to everyone regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. We aim to foster an environment free from harassment, unfair and unlawful discrimination where everyone is treated fairly. We gather and analyse diversity data to assess the extent to which we are achieving our diversity and inclusion aims. We use this information to review our processes to ensure they are fair and transparent, and do not have an adverse impact on any particular group.

All information provided will be treated as strictly confidential in accordance with the NI’s Privacy Notice in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. The information will be used for statistical purposes only, by aggregating data, and will not be stored anywhere outside of this survey tool. It is not possible to identify any individuals who respond to this survey.

We recognise that some people may regard information asked in this survey as private and have therefore included the option of ‘prefer not to say’ in these categories. You do not have to complete the form but it will help us improve our services and processes if you can complete as much as possible. Even a response with mainly ‘prefer not to say’ options is a valuable response.

The survey should take you no longer than 5 minutes and is completely anonymous. You will be able to opt out of answering specific questions but even if you only partially complete the survey this is more useful to us than not answering it at all. The more people who respond to the survey the more accurate will be our data and our monitoring.

The wording used has been developed in association with the Royal Academy of Engineering and our colleagues at IDN to whom we are most grateful.

As an addition this year we have some questions aimed specifically at female engineers and scientists. This is in response to a trend that suggests more women are leaving engineering at a critical career stage. The input of female engineers and scientists is particularly valuable to this last section of the survey and will be fed back to Engineering UK who have highlighted this phenomenon in their research.

Many thanks for your time in making the NI a more inclusive and welcoming place. Please complete the survey by Friday 12 July.

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