The UK Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) and the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) are deepening the collaboration we embarked on four years ago through an expanded partnership agreement to be launched at the CNA’s annual conference at the end of February.
Our goal is to focus on strategic issues affecting both industries where joint action by the UK and Canada can make a real difference, and for this work to sit along side, guide, and help drive the UK-Canadian Government-to-Government dialogue, maximising the opportunities for the industrial supply chain in both countries.
We intend to form three working groups to drive joint action in areas of key common interest:
- Fuels – especially concerning where the UK and Canada can support the goals of the Sapporo Agreement to reduce reliance on Russian supplies.
- SMRs and regulation – especially how we can coordinate to raise design standardisation and expedite design maturity and standardisation.
- Green finance – to share knowledge of experiences in both our industries and promote nuclear as sustainable in policy and investment frameworks.
We hope that these groups will produce recommendations for government and industry, including to inform the UK-Canada civil nuclear dialogue. We also intend to have an annual meeting of our partnership, alternating between the UK and Canada where possible.
We are therefore seeking expressions of interest by Friday 23 February for the following:
- Individuals to chair of each of the working groups. We are looking for chairs who will drive forward the goals of each working group and take active responsibility themselves, so we can make best use of the resources of our small secretariats.
- Organisations interested in participating in the working groups as members. Membership will be open to all members of our associations, and it will not be fixed. If your organisation wants to participate in the future, you will be able to do so.
Please send these to [email protected], including the name and job title of nominees and a brief statement on what the nominee can contribute to this initiative.
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