A key element of the case we make to Government, Parliament and thought leaders in energy and industrial policy is the substantial growth, jobs and export potential from commitment to and investment in civil nuclear activity.
As you will be aware, the government has announced that driving economic growth as its priority mission – just this week at an event in the Nuclear Week in Parliament programme, Energy Minister Lord Hunt referred to thew growth coming from nuclear in very positive terms – declaring “what is not to like” about nuclear for growth, economic security and decarbonisation. In that order.
That growth – and the potential for more – comes from the health and activity of companies like yours. To ensure, in this crucial period ahead of the spending review, that Ministers, officials and other key stakeholders can have an empirical base for the growth potential of nuclear that we can collectively communicate to policymakers, the media, and the wider public, the NIA has commissioned Oxford Economics, a highly respected and independent economic analysis provider, to conduct a study of the civil nuclear industry’s economic impact in 2024 and build on a similar report we did in 2022.
The research will assess features of the industry such as its GDP, employment and tax contributions. It will also seek to present the wider impact of the industry’s investment into research and development, and staff training and education, on the UK’s productivity.
We now need your urgent help to make this study as complete and authoritative as possible.
To capture the information required, a short survey has been prepared, and it is important you pass on the link or spreadsheet to the most relevant person in your organisation to complete it. Without your contribution to the data, we will not be able to provide a robust analysis of the UK’s civil nuclear sector.
The survey can be accessed here:
It is up to you which version you fill out.
Please complete no later than Friday 28 February.
As we ask for some high-level financial and employment information, having access to this data before starting will speed up the survey process. However, any responses input into the survey will be saved, if you need to consult or obtain information from another source.
The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. The survey returns will only be available to the project team at Oxford Economics, who are bound by confidentiality agreements. The returns themselves will not be made public – only aggregated information will be used in the report. All individual survey returns held by Oxford Economics will be destroyed at the end of the project.
If you have any questions, please contact Iolo James at the NIA ([email protected] / 07517 108023) or Andy Logan at Oxford Economics ([email protected] / +44 (0) 20 3910 8051), who are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.