Nuclear energy has been recognised by the UK government as an essential part of a secure, low-carbon energy mix.
North East England, particularly Teesside, is now well positioned as a strategic location for new nuclear in the UK. Nuclear forms part of a Net Zero future, and North East England can support the majority of needs required to design, test, manufacture, build and operate an SMR or AMR.
Several exciting new nuclear projects are planned for the region:
- Community Nuclear Power and Westinghouse
- X-energy and Cavendish Nuclear
- Rolls-Royce has shortlisted sites in the North East of England for a components factory
Costs to attend
- NOF Member Delegate £175.00 +VAT (NIA members are entitled to the NOF member rate)
- Non-Member Delegate £255.00 +VAT
- Additional NOF Member Delegate £125.00 +VAT
- Additional Non-Member Delegate £205.00 +VAT